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You MUST slash ME /me to roleplay If you have a problem use /report and report it to an admin, remember to include as much information as possible including location, what happened, and who was involved.




* Tow Truck Driver job is now working and must be towed with permission from Police/Dispatch or Vehicles Owner ONLY! - Must Be asked in chat by police or owner for logging purposes. ALL TOWED Vehicles must be roleplayed and not respawned or risk getting banned. - Pay your bill at tow yard to pick your vehicle up. - Breaking these rules could lead to a ban.

* RoadSpikes are fully working now DO NOT ABUSE THEM!!!. If they are abused you may be subject to a ban.

* The Vehicle Rules are to be followed at all times. Do not run from police without a valid reason and it must be RPed.

* Police Must drive seriously all the time and enforce traffic laws.

* Drivers must stop for police and Serious RP at all times.

* Police must not Fail RP with roadspikes. Drivers must not fail rp with roadspikes.

Rule #1

- Do not microphone spam, or In-game chat.

- Do not spam music.

- Do not scream through the microphone for no good reason.

- Do not advertise on our server. This includes other servers; websites; clans; or hacks.

- Complain about the server? Just leave or prepared to get banned.

Rule #2

- Do not abuse the prop system.

- No Prop blocking.*

- No Prop pushing.

- No Prop killing.

- No Prop climbing/surfing.

- No Parkour.*

- No Barricades that require crouching

* We have props to improve your game play experience. Please don't abuse them; we wouldn't want to take them away because of one person.

* Prop Blocking is the act of taking a prop; putting it in the way of an entrance; or several; and freezing it. * Never Block an NPC. * If in DarkRP please use a key pad and the fading door tool so that it doesn't become prop blocking.

* Parkour is the act of traversing a surrounding environment via jumping on surrounding items. - For that matter do not free run on roofs either; or jump off cars and or props into backyards. Unless it's your own property.

Rule #3

- Do not pan handle.

- No scamming

* Pan Handling means; asking somebody for money without the intent of paying it back.

* Do not scam people out of their cash either.

* Eg. Running an event for a lottery where the winner has already been determined.

Rule #4

- Please drive on the RIGHT side, this is an AMERICAN server!

- Do not run anyone over.

- Remember to obey all the traffic laws, not doing so excessively may lead to a ban.

- Do not Jaywalk/cross the street not at crosswalks. Doing so may lead to getting run over.

- Do not drive into another character with the intent on killing them. Especially if they are on the correct side of the road.

- Maintain full control of your vehicle at all times, you can be punished by the law for all violations.

- Do not kill yourself intentionally or get someone else to kill you. Remember to roleplay it!

Rule #5

- Use /yell rather than using all caps in chat.

- Try and use proper spelling and grammar as much as possible.

Rule #6

- Use /Advert solely for intent of selling or buying products and services or to gather votes for a mayoral candidate.

- Do not make fail advertisements.

Rule #7

- Do not metagame, EVER. It will not be tolerated.

- Seeing weed clipping through the walls and then raiding them. Or seeing it as a police and warranting them are against the rules.

- Do not use /ooc for a 911 report. Instead use /911.

- Do not warrant someone as a Police Officer because you saw a shadow from their weed, or heard them talking about it through a wall.

* Metagame is the act of using outside knowledge and applying into the game. This includes such things as: + Using chat from OOC + Looking at props through solid walls and using this information, things such as weed is a big problem in this case. + Looking at shadows of things through solid objects that should not cast a shadow and using this information. + Talking on an outside source such at Teamspeak, Ventrilo, and assorted chat programs. + Above all else remember what is information that your character would know and differentiate it from what you know.

Rule #8

- Do not Random Death Match somebody. Otherwise known as RDM.

- Raids must be conducted in a group and not alone, the raider must also have a base.

- You must have a legitimate RP reason to raid.*

- Do not commit crimes in front of NPCs.

* You must have some sort of good reason to raid someone such as seeing their drugs, hearing them talk about having drugs, or other RP reasons.

Rule #9

- Do not break the New Life Rule; other wise known as "NLR".

- When you die from somebody pretend you have no memory of what happened and go on with your life as if it's a new one.

- If you died whilst raiding somebody and they killed you; do not return to seek vengeance on them.

- Do not go back to where you died until the raid is over (ask in ooc if over).

- If not a raid then wait at least 5 min. NO LESS!!

- Do Not Raid ever as Medic don't be involved in raids as Medic.

- If you are a cop, you may return after 15+ minutes if you get a call back via. radio. Do not go back right away.

- Do not use your radio/cell phone/org chat for 15+ minutes after you die for things you discussed previously. (This is up to the discretion of the admins)

- If you are a cop, do not finish off other players.

- Do not talk while unconscious.

- You can not raid the same person more than once per hour.

- You may also only raid once every 20 minutes.

- Do not shoot through doors or walls while raiding, unless you have a legitimate reason such as seeing them through a window.

Rule #10

- Remember to go along with fearRP.

- Do not randomly punch people without any intent. Fist fights are perfectly fine; but do not go around punching walls and people's cars.

- Don't Punch other players for no reason/punch whoring.

Rule #11

- Do not fail demote as a mayor.

- If you feel someone needs to be demoted, contact the mayor or other members of the community.


Boomer - "cheezit is Random arresting people without a real reason; mayor please demote him.".

Boomer - "cheezit is rdming Civilians without any reason. Mayor please demote him.".

Rule #12

- Do not power game.*

*Power gaming is where you take absolute control of a situation and do not allow any leeway. Eg: "Cheez knocks out Boomer"

- Remember to use /roll**

**Eg. "Boomer attempts to tie up cheez" both players /roll.

Rule #13

- Do not build on the top of roofs that you parkoured up to.

- Do not grow weed on top of roofs you don't own either.

- You can grow in unowned property.

Rule #14

- Job Jumping is never allowed

- Remember to actually do your jobs when you are holding a possition. Negligence while in a position can lead to a possible blacklist.

Rule #15

- Do not AFK whilst under any government job. We will blacklist you for it.

- Break all ties with your organization when you take a government job.

- Do not fail spike, only use road spikes if another cop coordinates it with you. Be sure to RP it.

- Do not patrol as the Medic, Tow Truck Driver or the Firefighters, you will be called in.

Rule #16

- Do not attempt to crash the server. If we catch you we will permanently ban you and report you to the FBI.

Rule #17

- Do not lock spam a door.

Example: When somebody is attempting to lock pick your door and you unlock it and lock it over, and over again.

- Do not continuously knock on doors. It's quite annoying and we will take action.

Rule #18

- Do not buy property without the intent of using it.

- Property that is used as a decoy is prohibited.

- Do not ask someone to enter your house with the intent of locking them inside and selling the property afterwards.

- Sell buildings after you're done with them.

- Do not sell your property during the raid.

- Do not grow on government property.

Rule #19

- The mayor is free-game for assassinations; but please do it in an RP manner.


Boomer-" As the mayor the tax rate is now 35% "

Bob-" That's so stupid; this must be stopped. Let's find the mayor and put an end to his reign!"

Rule #20

- Do not use a firetruck or Swat Truck solely for pushing aside vehicles.

- All vehicles must yield to Government vehicles!

- This is what the tow truck driver is for.

Rule #21

* The use of an 'Anti-AFK' script will result in a ban.

Rule #22

- Use /ooc for out of character events.

- If there is an admin get in touch with them using /report. If not please make a demo of it and post it on our forum.

Rule #23

- Do not glitch yourself underneath the map or into otherwise inaccessible areas.

Rule #24

- Do not use your sirens outside of emergencies.

- You may not use them to bypass traffic laws outside of an emergency.

Rule #25

- Do not cause fires in inaccessible areas.

Rule #26

- Hacking; scripting; or Botting will result in a permanent ban.

Rule #27

- We will not tolerate disrespect to anyone on our server.

Rule #28

- Listen to commands given from a Swat member; Police officer or an Admin.

Rule #29

- Do not sell products in front of public areas without permission of the cops or mayor if available.

- Make sure to sell products only with a truck you own nearby or at a store you own.

Rule #1337

- Please try your hardest to roleplay as often as possible. It makes our job much easier.

- There may be some unwritten rules, but listen to all the admins on the sever and make sure to follow their rules.

- Above all else, enjoy playing on the server and remember to respect other people's desire to do the same.

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